Latest Episodes

The Second Battle of Fallujah
This episode of The Spear features a conversation with Lt. Col. Coley Tyler. In late 2004, he was a captain serving as a battalion...

A Helicopter Mission During the Invasion of Iraq
Col. Phil Ryan is an Army aviator who has spent much of his career in the Army's most elite, special operations aviation units. In...

Drafted Twice: From the NFL to Vietnam and Back
In 1968, after one season as a professional football player, Rocky Bleier was drafted by the Army and sent to Vietnam. During a firefight,...

A Medal of Honor Recipient's Story
In this episode, MWI's Maj. Jake Miraldi is joined by retired Staff Sgt. Salvatore Giunta. In 2010, he became the first living recipient of...

Never Leave a Fallen Comrade
In this episode, Col. Bill Ostlund tells the story of what he calls the most honorable mission he took part in over more than...

Nerve Agent Attack in Britain
In March 2018, after a dangerous nerve agent was shockingly used in the British city of Salisbury, authorities looked to the armed forces to...